Contact Us

Mei 14, 2018
Jika ada pertanyaan atau apapun, please fell free contact us by email to:

2 komentar:

  1. Selamat sore
    Mas yang kelola akun di bukan ya?

    Punya saya kenapa tiba2 tidak bisa diakses ya? Per 30 Mei 2023
    Banyak file penting disana
    Akun saya

    1. halo, kami bukan pengelola, kami hanya afiliator.
      Pada 21 April, pihak ada mengirim email bahwa service dihentikan. Berikut emailnya
      From :
      To :
      Date : Apr 21, 2023, 2:50 PM

      All the good things must come to an end. The glorious days of Google Drive Unlimited from are over. This is very sad but unfortunately true.

      This issue has emerged since the end of 2021, starting with Google's announcement that said they would close its unlimited drive service for all organizations which is planned to be implemented in June 2022. However, we, the administrators, were also naive, because we thought that all this time there would also be a similar announcement but in the end, it would still be canceled.

      But apparently not this time.

      That's why we ask all of you to please back up the files on the drive before May 30, 2023. And if anyone uses the account for daily basis communication, immediately switch to using another email. Because everything will be deleted.

      Best of luck Goodbye



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