The potency of Electricity Bill Saving and GHG Emission Reduction Using Solar- PV Rooftop and Smart Home System

Agustus 15, 2023
Recent natural disasters are believed to have been linked with climate change. Extreme weather disasters, such as heatwaves and intense rainfall, are influenced by climate change, while hurricane disasters are linked to climate change with the evidence emerging. Human behavior on energy consumption is blamed for one of the leading causes of climate change and global warming. Shifting to renewable energy and a green lifestyle is one action that can save the earth from the worst catastrophes. On an Individual scale, start using our Solar PV rooftop and install a smart home system are some choices that can take. Besides contributing to climate action, using the Solar PV rooftop and smart home system also give economic benefit for the owner. Current regulations in Indonesia allow PLN'consumer to install a Solar PV rooftop and sell the excess electricity to the electricity grid, reducing the monthly electricity bill directly. Installing a smart home system makes the home appliance more efficient and can reduce the electricity bill as well. In this paper, the potency of electricity bill reduction of a middle-class house in Indonesia using a Solar PV rooftop and the smart home system is examined and analyzes whether the installation is economically attractive or not.
Paragraf diatas adalah abstact paper saya di Prosiding Seminar Nasional Adiwidya 9 Kamil Pascasarjana ITB di oktober 2021 yang lalu ketika masih berstatus menjadi mahasiswa. Karna kesibukan, saya lupa status ngecek status prosidingnya. Hari ini, sambil ubek-ubek cari informasi sesuatu, saya nemu paper ini ternyata telah tayang dan punya alamat DOI.
Judul lengkapnya sih 
The potency of Electricity Bill Saving and GHG Emission Reduction of A Middle-Class House in Indonesia by Using Solar- PV Rooftop and Smart Home System.
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